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2024 Calendar

Sunday, April 14        Spring meeting, Iowa Arboretum.  Noon setup, potluck, business meeting
May 10-11, 2024      Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden's Spring Garden Market--we are greeting visitors and promoting ROHS.

June 18-22, 2024     American Hosta Society national convention, Marlborough, MA

July 11-13, 2024       Midwest Regional Hosta Society convention, Fond du Lac, WI


July 27, 2024            In the Country Garden and Gifts​-- "Hosta & Dessert Social", speaker Bob Solberg, Independence, IA


October 13, 2024     ROHS Fall meeting at The Wallace Learning Center, 2773  290th St., Orient, Iowa, 50858

                                 12 p.m. potluck; speaker; business meeting

                                 Speaker:  Rob Mortko, "The Hostas of Tomorrow and Where They Come From"


Rob Mortko is owner and founder of Made in the Shade Tissue Culture, a plant tissue culture laboratory specializing in hosta propagation.  He will share insights and details on new hosta cultivars in the lab that will be on the market in the next 1-2 years.  Rob is well-known for his work with the American Hosta Society, the American Hosta Growers Association, the Midwest Regional Hosta Society, and as a Contributing Editor for The Hosta Journal. 

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2025 Calendar

June 19-21, 2025   American Hosta Society / Midwest Regional Hosta Society joint convention, East Peoria, IL

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